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One LEETLE Typo January 11, 2009

Posted by gregquill in Uncategorized.

When the r’Publicans put up Sarah Palin to be VP, I got a renewed interest in natural – uh, National – politics.

As Stew Magoo put it so eruditely, “Hubbah-hubbah, whatta hottie!” or grunts to that effect.

So, my speed reading made a tiny error due to testosterone overload – a common affliction, I am told.

I read Sarah as Governator of nebr-ASKA, not al-ASKA. Tiny error, I’d say.

Which explains why Lacy the Wonder Pup and I are wintering over here in the State of the Corn Huskers as the temperature plumets (AGAIN) to below zero, and wind chills set new records for velocity and penetration in the Big Easy-mostly-sealed-5th-wheel-trailer-and-sometimes-wind-tunnel.

And worse – no Sarah.


1. gregquill - January 14, 2009

Sandy, with the sub-zero snowy weather these days, I cannot tell the difference… except, Sarah STILL isn’t here!


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